Not really, until around ten or fifteen years ago, when we told our kids, “You have been outside since dawn. Come home, enough!” We’d caution you. You have been at the start of that game for hours, go outside and get some fresh air! Today, we are in the opposite situation, and we say this.

Parents are likely well aware of the fact that kids often avoid the internet for hours or even days at a time, getting up only to use the restroom. Addicts to video games either eat very little or prefer to eat while playing. Given that they put minimal effort into physical activity and speak very little, it is likely that they may soon encounter a variety of health issues.

According to the estimates of the American Medical Association; 90% of teenagers play digital games and 15% of gamers are addicted to games.

What is Game Addiction?

Game addiction is defined as an addiction that results in the person having physical, social, and emotional issues as a result of spending too much time playing video games on computers, game consoles, and mobile devices. The category of internet addiction is used to evaluate this addiction. People who are addicted to video games also exhibit signs including preoccupation, loss of self-control, and minimal interaction with the outside world.
We want to remind parents of kids who play video games:
Not every child who plays is addicted to games.It is not a sign of game addiction for your child to play multiple games, have accounts in several games, or be knowledgeable about and interested in new games. An action must be repeatedly performed in order to be classified as an addiction.
Do you know what should be observed and given attention at this point:
*How long does he spend at the start of the game?
*Does playing video games harm your physical, social, or even mental health negatively?
When you consider these factors, it is fair to suspect addiction to digital games if you reach a conclusion that disturbs you.
Of course, bans on modern technology are not the answer. Experts advise allowing it for a specific amount of time each day as opposed to forbidding it. For instance, the growth of children’s intelligence is greatly aided by artificial intelligence-supported new technology intelligence games!

Reasons for game addiction

*Find the cause and find a solution: There can be many reasons for game addiction on a computer, tablet or phone. The important thing at this stage is to find the factors that cause addiction and to come up with a solution.
*Need for respect: A player’s likelihood of being accepted by other players increases with time spent playing video games. Naturally, it makes them stay in the game for hours. Knowing this, game designers make an effort to immerse themselves in their creations as much as they can.
*Communication issues in the home and in the community: When children turn to digital games and succeed there, they might quickly get the respect of other players who lack respect in their family and community. Children sadly become the best candidates for gaming addiction when they may use games to satisfy their esteem requirements.
*Shyness: Games played by numerous players at once are more likely to lead to addiction. The gamer disregards the challenges he faces in real life when playing multiplayer video games. Instead, he links himself to the character he invented while playing the game. The likelihood that a person will be interested in such activities increases if they are socially awkward.

Other causes Children and teenagers become addicted to video games for a variety of reasons, including:

*Problems in daily living are common.
*living circumstances that are stressful
*negatively altering psychological events
*want to run away from things or situations that are upsetting
*the need to feel like a part of a community
*unmet demand for real-world socialization
*sensation of isolation
*handicaps in social communication
*a low sense of self
*a desire to run away from family issues
Inadequate communication within the family, inconsistent behavior or words, and physical or verbal abuse experienced in the family all contribute to children developing a game addiction. of the family; Insufficient attention to the child, inconsistent behavior or words, and physical or verbal abuse experienced in the family all contribute to this.

Symptoms of gaming Addiction 

The signs of a gaming addiction, which resembles a gambling addiction in some ways, are quite obvious. According to health institution research, folks who possess at least five of the following traits are thought to have a high risk of developing a game addiction. It is advised that you get in touch with a pedagogue right away if you notice that your child exhibits five or more of these symptoms.

*If he puts games at the center of his life,

*If he places his life’s focus on games,

*If academic and course success decreases noticeably,

*when unable to play for any reason, displays signals of withdrawal, becomes angry, or withdraws.

*The more he plays, the more effectively he speaks or expresses himself through his actions,

*claims to want to spend less time playing video games, but is unable to accomplish it.

*If he chooses to play video games rather than engage in the activities he once loved,

*lessens communication and causes issues in the classroom or in real life

*Regardless of how much he plays, if he consistently claims to play too little,

*If he uses video games as a means of escape whenever things become tough,

*He turns to games rather than seeing his old buddies if he doesn’t care about his social surroundings.

*If when playing, you exhibit greater joy, vigor, and enthusiasm than usual,

*Behavior and mood: If it brings up issues like despair and anxiety, red flags may be raising.

A specialist doctor’s care may be advised if the aforementioned symptoms are obvious and frequently occur.

Damages caused by addiction

Game-related addictions, which are classified as technology addictions and are positioned on the internet axis, have a significant impact on children and young people’s physical and social development. The following list can be used to illustrate some of the potential negative effects that children who play addicting games on computers, mobile devices, or tablets may have.
Psychological traumas brought on by the sounds and pictures he hears in unsuitable for his age games,

*Negative impacts on the development of personalities

*Tendency to isolate oneself as a result of social isolation,

*Alienation from friends, family, and school in real life,


*Body aches brought on by excessive inactivity,


*Stomach and intestinal issues

*Dramatic weight gain or loss

*Chronic tiredness,

*Pain, numbness, and/or loss of sensation in the hands and wrists are symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

*Eye conditions brought on by extended screen viewing,

*Significant decline in grades and course performance

*Hygiene issues that develop as a result of not giving cleaning enough attention

How can game addiction be prevented? What type of treatment is needed?

With some parental intervention, it is feasible to stop children from becoming addicted to video games. Although professional assistance is necessary for advanced addictions, initial game addictions can be managed with prudence.
Parents should primarily stay in close contact with their kids. As a result, you can solve any issues that might emerge fast. Children who have good family communication will find it simpler to keep up the same positive attitude throughout their social lives.

Do not use games as rewards or punishments for your kids. Don’t, for instance, imply that he can play the game if he completes the assignment you’ve given him. Do not adopt the incorrect stance of preventing him from playing due to his improper behavior. It would be better to steer the child toward any other activity that would be of interest to him. You and your companion can go to the theater or the movies, engage in creative pursuits, or play sports.

Spending time with your children is one of the simplest methods to stop them from using screens excessively. With the activities you will perform together, you can stop your child from becoming a screen addict.

You may encourage children to have fun while also assisting in the development of their mental skills by carefully selecting the entertaining game options and pointing them to helpful activities.

Other suggestions for ways to prevent game addiction are as follows:
*Find out which online game your child is playing and what challenges they can face there. Look out for things like language and aggression, both physical and psychological, that can harm a child’s development.
*When your youngster is speaking to you, pay close attention. give you the impression that your conversation is healthy.
*If you are whining that your youngster plays too much, look in the mirror. You’re playing too much, I informed him. It won’t matter if you talk on the phone for hours.
*Try to get your child to play for a set amount of time if you can’t get them to be distracted from the games.
If all these suggestions don’t work, the best thing you can do is; to get expert help. Especially with the help of an expert working in the field of developmental psychology, fast and permanent solutions can be reached on game addiction

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