The period when the only thing associated with the League of Legends universe was the well-known MOBA is long gone because in recent years it has continued to grow significantly with other video games like TFT and Legends of Runeterra. In addition to these, Riot Games made the decision to establish the Riot Forge label in order to bring to life other narratives that are entirely distinct from those of the other products.

In particular because these games, like Hextech Mayhem and Ruined King, which alternate between being an RPG and a musical game that tests our sense of rhythm, were either created by or are being developed by wholly independent organizations. The action role-playing game The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Tale, which will be released soon, will now have its turn.

Watch here the Mageseeker played by the Developer 21 minutes!

Leading a revolution for payback

 The champions of this universe are all featured in the A League of Legends Story games in greater detail than any other, making it clear that they are not simply stick figures with impressive skills. More than anything, this is because each champion has a backstory, motivations, and relationships with other characters.
Here Sylas of Dregbourne takes center stage and, depending on how you look at it, becomes the hero or anti-hero that you are always in control of. The story takes place in the country of Demacia, where magic is pervasive but not widely practiced. It is here that the wizard hunters arrive, ready to apprehend anyone using magic and imprison them.
Being only a boy, Sylas joined them until he realized he could channel magic as well, at which point he was put in a 15-year prison sentence. After betraying his companion Lux by stealing her magical abilities, he was only able to break free of his prisoner’s chains at that point. From that point on, a revolution to eradicate all magician hunters in existence began.

His desire for vengeance appears to have no bounds, and fortunately for him, he will gradually come across a large number of fighters who will wish to support his cause, eventually assembling an entire army of renegade wizards. As a result, we will be left with a tale that revolves on issues of power, equality, and justice, featuring Sylas, whose actions are not particularly liked by most people in Demacia but do not stop him from completing his task with all of his might.

The plot actually gets much more compelling as you read on because things keep happening that make it more complicated and compel you to keep reading. It should also be mentioned that several well-known League of Legends characters, like as Garen, Morgana, and Jarvan IV, appear in addition to Sylas and Lux.

They are all perfectly portrayed, and I appreciate how much Digital Sun valued their individual histories, personalities, and motives. Of course, these are only a few of the many characters that appear throughout the quest and have made me hope to see them in the MOBA at some point because they are also deserving of their spot.

Copy, slide, crush, then repeat

As I’ve already mentioned, The Mageseeker is an excellent action role-playing game, but there’s one thing about it that intrigues me: Sylas’ ability to distribute hosts like loaves has been preserved. This implies that he attacks any foe who dares to stand in his way with his petricite chains.

By doing this, we will continue the fast-paced combat that requires us to constantly scan our surroundings with a thousand eyes because there are frequently occasions when a sizable number of foes will assemble and need to be vanquished. Although it doesn’t quite compare to a Dark Souls, these confrontations do need us to fully rely on the controls in order to avoid taking too many hits.

Sylas can maneuver and use his chains to deal some truly devastating strikes, but he’s also a magician, so keep that in mind. Similar to how he exploited Lux’s abilities to win his freedom, in this situation he is likewise capable of using any enemy’s magic to his advantage, whether it be to fireballs, ice bolts, summon a cloud of lightning, hit with a rush of air in a circle, etc.

The most crucial aspect of his copying skills is that practically all foes have a certain elemental weakness. While it is also feasible to kill them with chain attacks because Sylas hits very, very hard, it doesn’t take long for you to understand that magic ultimately proves to be the ideal strategy for success. As an example, we will finish off a fire one in no time with an ice spell and vice versa.

There are various spells for each of the six elemental magics, each with a specific purpose. Over time, this turns out to be crucial since even if some foes lack magic, Sylas’ chains will nonetheless prickle their skin. Fortunately, you may subsequently acquire all of the stolen spells and use them whenever you want by spending mana, which is acquired precisely by hitting the other players with the shackles.

By doing this, you can use your own magic to deal your opponents the just punishment they deserve rather than only relying on your ability to copy. You can even use the formidable final bosses as a last choice. The latter, I have to admit, have proven to be quite difficult to battle, and more than once they have given me a crushing pounding. However, in the end, it all comes down to understanding your opponent’s fighting style and using all of Sylas’ skills to turn the tables on them. similar coin.

Also, they are all quite diverse and need you to slide, use magic, and strike without stopping. In addition, you must use another one of his skills, which enables him to use the chains as a sort of hook to travel farther or to approach adversaries more rapidly. In conclusion, if you’ve played League of Legends with Sylas, you’ll see that every single one of his motions is thoroughly tracked here.

The allies who support us in overcoming circumstances where we might have aspired to more

Sylas’ revolution will cause him to join a rebel camp, and as we gather more and more individuals, they will join him there. Some of them will start their own businesses to spend the cash they earn while playing, which can be used to buy upgrades for Sylas to raise his life, damage, defense, or other stats, or to unlock new spells.

Another installation will be added to this so that players can purchase Ultimates, the game’s most potent spells, and unleash some like Morgana’s ultimate. And sure, it is identical to MOBAs. Additionally, by equipping them as if they were objects, you may also establish a camp of outlaws who will go with us on this odyssey, adding an extra attack to the combos.

By enlisting more outlaws from the same group, those that specialize in a specific sort of element will be able to increase the potency of their individual magics. For this, it will be necessary to explore, to send friends on expeditions, or to locate them personally in the locations where they are concealed together with a different set of treasures, such as animals or documents that give us a little more background on the history of this world.

The scenarios’ major flaw, in my opinion, is that there is hardly any exploration because they frequently looked very linear. To obtain a box containing coins or one of the mentioned collectibles, there may occasionally be a little fork, but most of the time we must proceed directly down the predetermined path.

Fortunately, each phase has a different scene. But, you must visit the same locations with the same layouts for those that correlate to secondary tasks. The truth is that I should have been a little more ambitious in this section because moving forward through them occasionally requires the use of skills like sliding or hooking with the chains, but moving forward is always very obvious, making it very simple and the only real challenge being the enemy combat.

For the most part, the game’s pixel-art style gives me the sensation that it fits it perfectly, proving once more that the Digital Sun team is excellent at betting on this format. Don’t expect the characters to speak in every exchange, as that is not the case. Instead, enjoy the songs on the soundtrack, Spanish subtitles, and a dubbing that has also been localized to our language as they perfectly complement the action.

As a opinion

The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Tale has kept me occupied for hours at a time, and I haven’t felt the want to stop playing at any point. Despite the difficulty spikes that may occur at specific times that make you sweat and make your fat decrease, his combats, which combine the many skills of Sylas, are his specialty because of the way in which they capture you.

I won’t argue that people who are familiar with the League of Legends universe will like the game even more due of the characters and storyline, but playing the MOBA is in no way required to appreciate this one. In fact, one might argue that it is an excellent place to begin in this universe by introducing a character who I initially found to be quite endearing and who I now even more so.

Of course, there are flaws in the game, and it is unfortunate that the scenarios’ design falls short of that of the other sections. Even so, starting to distribute chains and potent spells in this chaotic revolution is still a recommended experience if you’re one of the action RPG fans.

The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story duration

The length of The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story will depend on whether you are one of those who want to focus on the main quests only, which will take you about 10–12 hours to complete the game. If you choose to for doing the side missions and going for all the collectibles, however, the number increases even more.

Price of The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story

The Mageseeker: A League of Legends Story will be available digitally on April 18 for 29.99 dollars. You can purchase it on the Nintendo eShop for the Nintendo Switch, on Steam for PC, on the Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S store, on the PlayStation Store in its version for PS4 and PS5, on the Microsoft store for Xbox One.
You can choose to buy it directly with its collector’s edition for 169.99 dollars or with its Digital Deluxe edition for 39.99 dollars.

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